It is undeniable that tutors are the pedagogical responsibles for any WBL programme. During the programme, they should offer support to students and employers/mentors. This support is meant to facilitate the smooth implementation of activities, the recording of the course and the final evaluation of the learning outcomes and the experience in general. All WBL participants should engage in the evaluation process. Teachers using their feedback and bearing in mind their personal opinion, obtained through observation and tactical communication with participants are responsible for assessing the programme and providing a final evaluation and certification.
Teachers should first of all help students in their self-assessment process by gradually introducing them to self-assessment techniques prior to and during the WBL programme. They should provide guidelines that will help students to understand how to keep track of their learning progress during the programme, how to evaluate the level of achievement of the initial goals and objectives and how to make adjustment movements if needed. Teachers should also provide support for companies as far as evaluation processes are concerned, especially if those companies don’t have a tradition of in-company training. They should have the role of advisors that are able to provide training and guidance on assessment criteria and quality control techniques.
Tutors should also make sure that the WBL assessment plan will include a section where participants will be able to review and evaluate each other concerning their contribution towards the achievement of learning objectives and the smooth implementation of the programme in general. Combining all of the above information and by closely observing the experience, tutors will be able to provide a spherical evaluation of the programme that will review the adherence to the learning agreement, the benefits that arise for participants and finally the level of success of this programme and its quality.
· Support Manual for VET Teachers
Manual for VET Teachers that who carry out WBL programmes
· Teachers and Trainer’s in WBL/Apprenticeships
A report by the European Commission aiming to map models and practices
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The SWOT - Skills for Work Opportunities in Eno-gastronomy and Tourism project © 2018