Name of the person involved in the event
Enrico Vacirca
Date of the event
15 Mar 2018
Type of Dissemination event
National Meeting
Local Meeting about Social farming
Description of Dissemination Event
The seminar is based on the need to have the training of tutors who are suitable to follow people with mental and social problems welcomed in farms that make food and wine and agritourism. Enrico Vacirca from information on the SWOT Project that could give indications also in this field on the alternance succeeds work in companies with people with particular physical and psychological conditions
Target group
Association, Enterprises, Public Bodies, Researchers.
Number of people reached by event
Held in
Firenze Italy (IT)
Outcomes, Results and Evaluation
Social farmers were informed about what SWOT Project could be. urging schools to realize school-work alternation also on social issues. New job opportunities can be realized