Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Information and Contacts

Latest News

This section of the SWOT Project portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission and it is password protected.


22 Nov 2019

SWOT project wins the Galei Edumanager prize

The SWOT project was awarded the Galei Edumanager prize during the "Conferința Națională Management Modern în Educație" (The national conference for management in Education) held Bucharest in November 2019.

31 Aug 2019

SWOT project on Media

A press review of the SWOT project is available at.

31 Jul 2019

Multiplying the impact of the SWOT projects

Project partners organised Multiplier events in their own country in order to promote the use of the Intellectual Outputs produced by the SWOT project among companies, schools and training agencies interested in applying WBL methodologies. All the information are available at

30 Jun 2019

Final meeting and Final Conference oragnised in Targu Mures

June was an intense month for the project, CCD Mures hosted the final meeting of the project and organised the Final Conference that was an important opportunity for widening the Impact of the project. Information about the Multiplier event are available at:

31 May 2019

The Guidelines are ready and available!

The Guidelines are available to be used as reference documents for the organization of Work Based Learning initiatives at local, regional, national and international in the field of Tourism and Eno-Gastronomy. The Guidelines are accessible for free at:

30 Apr 2019

The Networking is growing

Project partners as part of their commitment to make the project deliverables available to the widest audience and to ensure project sustainability are involving institutions in the project as Associated Partners: More than 40 institutions have already joined the project and more will join.

31 Mar 2019

Project Partners participated in the 3rd meeting of the SWOT project

The third meeting of the steering committee of the SWOT project was organised in Valencia (ES) on 14 – 15 March 2019. During the project meeting the project partners went through and shared the results produced so far, discussing possible improvements and future activities and deadlines.

27 Nov 2018

78 dissemination events organized

At the beginning of the project life cycle, a dissemination strategy has been defined. One of its objectives was represented by the organization of a number of dissemination events through which project partners were asked to spread information about the project and its main results. Until November 2018, almost 80 dissemination events have been organized and carried out by partners. Information about SWOT dissemination is available at:

15 Oct 2018

Video Interviews and Video Testimonials

The availability of more than 100 amongst video interviews and video testimonials with managers/owners of enterprises working in the eno-gastronomy and students involved in VET studies: this is one of the main results of the SWOT project. The video interviews( provide VET trainers with training materials to enrich their classroom activities and give to their VET students Work Based Learning scenarios to better understand the expectations of companies, their organization and production processes, the internal quality control, their customer care strategies, so to acquire knowledge, competences and skills coming directly from the market. The Video Testimonials ( highlight the benefits, the skills acquired, the impact in terms of employability and the benefits for the enterprise and the VET students resulting from the WBL Experiences they have been involved in.

12 Sep 2018

Updated Press Review

The SWOT European project is currently in the second year of its life cycle and its results are getting more and more evident and available on the project website. This is the main reason why it is important to disseminate that information which can have a significant impact on project target users. And this is the main reason why the press review’ section – containing articles, web-articles and exchange links related to the SWOT project aims, activities and results – has been recently updated and developed. It is available at:

12 Jul 2018

SWOT Second Meeting

The second meeting of the SWOT project was held on 9 - 10 July 2018 in Paredes (Portugal). During the second meeting, the European project partners analyzed and discussed the collection of Interviews and Testimonials realized so far. In addition, the European project partners defined the structure of the platform to be realized in order to promote the supply and the demand of Work Based Learning initiatives in the Eno-gastronomy sector.

7 May 2018

SWOT YouTube channel

The SWOT project already launched its Youtube channel, where it will be possible to find the video materials produced by all the partners. In particular, the following materials will be uploaded on the SWOT 2.0 Youtube channel: the video interviews, providing VET trainers with training materials to enrich their classroom activities, and the video gallery of testimonials, highlighting the benefits, the skills acquired, the impact in terms of employability and the benefits for the enterprise and the VET students resulting from the WBL Experiences they have been involved in. The SWOT project YouTube channel is available at the following link:

13 Apr 2018

SWOT Video Testimonials

The first Video Testimonials are now available on SWOT project website at: The testimonials highlight the benefits, the skills acquired, the impact in terms of employability and the benefits for the enterprise and the VET students resulting from the WBL Experiences they have been involved in. The testimonials also aim to underline the importance for companies, that human resources they are going to select and employ, have both the technical and professional skills to perform the specific task and the basic and transversal skills that can be acquired only by completing VET education, so to motivate students not to abandon their studies.

20 Mar 2018

SWOT Video Interviews

The first Video Interviews are now available on SWOT project website at: The interviews have a didactic potential and are focused on companies’ everyday experiences, expectations and needs with reference to: mission, services and products offered; organization of the work; quality control processes; customer care policies; marketing Strategies; human resources selection. The Video Interviews provide VET trainers with training materials to enrich their classroom activities and give to their VET students Work Based Learning scenarios to better understand the expectations of companies, their organization and production processes, the internal quality control, their customer care strategies, so to acquire knowledge, competences and skills coming directly from the market.

28 Feb 2018

SWOT at Cyprus International Educational Fair

SWOT project at On 23rd, 24th and 25th February in Nicosia Emphasys Centre participated in the International Educational Fair of Cyprus 2018 entitled after “Education and Career” and organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), the Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (ΟΕΒ) and the European Office of Cyprus (EOC). The International Education Fair of Cyprus is one of the biggest events organized in the field of education and training, as most of the participants are well-established organizations, higher education institutions and public-authorities. During the International Fair, the SWOT project was specifically presented, attracting the attention of a wide number of interested people. The Emphasys team disseminated the project using all the relevant materials such as leaflets, banners, and presentations. It is important to note that a petition in relation to the promotion of the main aims of the SWOT project was initiated and signed by several participants. It has to be noted that VET students and providers were greatly impressed by the project’s idea and initiative and those who showed interested were also invited to participate in several activities planned for the next months. Overall the International Fair presented a great opportunity for the dissemination of the “SWOT” project to a large number of interested people (estimated to be more than 10,000).

26 Sep 2017

The SWOT Project

The SWOT project started officially in September 2017 and involves 7 organisations from 5 different European countries. The project will improve the cooperation between VET providers and companies to enhance the capacity of the VET system in providing market oriented training offer and business driven learning paths to VET students of Tourism and Eno-Gastronomy.

10 Dec 2017

SWOT Kick off meeting

The kickoff meeting of the European project SWOT - Skills for Work Opportunities in Eno-gastronomy and Tourism took place on 6 - 7 December 2017 at Pixel site in Florence. During the first meeting, the European project partners introduced themselves as well as their project’s related experiences and expertise. The main activities to be carried out were presented and discussed.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The SWOT - Skills for Work Opportunities in Eno-gastronomy and Tourism project © 2018