All the valid regulation was adopted in procedure, which allows modify proposed regulation in order to improve it in all aspects.
ReferNet is a network of institutions created by Cedefop in 2002 to provide information on national vocational education and training (VET) systems and policies in the EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. Each national partner is a key organisation involved in VET in the country it represents.
Skillsnet network welcomes researchers and experts active in early identification of skill needs and forecasting or in the transfer of research results on future skill requirements into policy and practice.
Official Student Internship Forms - Student Internship Application + Student Internship Evaluation + Internship Requirements for Hospitality Business International Students as example for schools if they would like to create their own rules.
Every host organisation (employer) should define in advance aims and rules for internship organisation. This guide can be used as example.
This ressource it’s as important guide to support the traineeships in order to motivate them in internships across the EU countries
Student ambassador Intern App represents a tech-friendly medium bridging the gap between brands and students.
This is an exemplaty guide pf work-based learning policy guide which explains policies and procedures outlined in this policy guide support outcomes-driven work-based learning (WBL) experiences and programs in Tennessee.
Sweden has, in line with the European employment strategy Youth Guarantee, worked on facilitating the transition from school to work. This includes widening the use of apprenticeships and work-based learning.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The SWOT - Skills for Work Opportunities in Eno-gastronomy and Tourism project © 2018