Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Table of Contents
4.3 Tutorship in Company
4.3.4 From tutoring to mentoring and coaching

The alternation projects foresee the presence of tutor figures, of which we have mentioned in the previous paragraph, who deal with: co-designing the training plan (defining aims, methods and objectives), supporting the student's educational path and jointly detecting the learning outcomes foreseen in the planning stage.

There are two types of tutors: a school tutor and a company tutor. Both are involved in the alternation of the student: the school tutor takes care of a more generic coaching, while the company tutor provides a more specific coaching within the company.

The school tutor assists and guides students in their journey: he knows the company and is in continuous contact with the company tutor to define and detail the methods of collaboration.

The company tutor can be an employee of the company or an external collaborator. He is the person who will follow the student's activities once he is in the company. Concretely, it will have to welcome students, assign them tasks as well as stability in agreement with the school tutor, supervise their activities and evaluate their results. The company tutor has the task of drawing up a final report on the student's activity and on the effectiveness of the course.

School tutor and company tutor must work closely together to ensure the most favorable organizational and educational conditions for the courses, to intervene in the event of problems, to check the results. The external tutor, selected by the host structure among subjects that may also be external to the same, represents the reference figure of the student within the company or organization.

The functions required of the external tutor: collaborate with the internal tutor in the planning, organization and evaluation of the alternation experience; it favors the insertion of the student and the student in the operational context, supports him and assists him in the path; guarantees information / training of the student and student on specific company risks, in compliance with internal procedures; plans and organizes activities based on the training project, coordinating with other professional figures present in the host structure; involves the student and the student in the experience assessment process; provides the educational institution with the elements agreed to evaluate the student's activities and the effectiveness of the training process.

The interaction between the internal tutor and the external tutor aims at: defining the organizational and didactic conditions favorable to learning both in terms of orientation and skills; guarantee the monitoring of the progress of the path, in progress and in the final phase, in order to promptly intervene on any critical issues; verify the certification process of the activity carried out and the skills acquired by the student; collect elements that allow the reproducibility of experiences and their capitalization.

The choice and appointment of the company tutor are therefore of fundamental importance, since its role is crucial for the formative quality of the internship experience that the trainee will be able to carry out: the young person expects a lot from him.

The company tutor will have to search with the intern for a continuous comparison, will make him participate in the problems and things to do, he will appreciate the right advice, he will motivate a wrong suggestion. At the end of the day the tutor and the trainee will thus have the feeling of things accomplished together.

The company tutor has the task of welcoming and assisting the trainee during the period of stay in the company, and is usually the person in charge of the department in which the young person is employed, or a training specialist who follows all the trainees' entries.

He takes care of the presentation and insertion of the trainee in the first days, verifies that the planned training project is followed, provides feedback on the quality of his performance, assists the trainee in the small problems that he might encounter during the training period.

It is advisable that the company tutor does not leave the intern alone for long periods, even in the face of demanding tasks to be performed. It is up to the company tutor to have contacts and meetings with the tutor of the promoter to verify the progress of the internship.

Finally, the company tutor should, if provided for in the agreement, draft the internship report.

If the company is particularly interested in developing the skills of the student / student, for example for a possible recruitment a coaching can also be activated, an intervention designed to accompany the person towards maximum performance through an autonomous learning process and an improvement in the competences covered by the course and an increase in the person's empowerment.

Online Resource

Checklist for company tutors


Before the work-placement

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The SWOT - Skills for Work Opportunities in Eno-gastronomy and Tourism project © 2018