Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Guide 4:

Guidelines for Companies


These Guidelines deals with the issues inherent to the company's role in school-work alternation initiatives. The characteristics that the company must have in order to be able to face this opportunity in the best way are described. In some countries these are regulated and required as technological and organizational structural skills. The general procedures are then described to which the company is called to fulfill, namely the appointment of the company tutor, but also to ensure that the apprentice participates in the business, but must also participate in the certification of his skills, especially those of let the student acquire them along with the skills.

The contents of this module are connected to a set of Operative Tools

4.1 Introduction

  4.1.1 - The contents
  4.1.2 - The company's role in WBL initiatives
  4.1.3 - The added value for the company
  4.1.4 - Evaluation of the cost-benefit ratio

4.2 Traineeship Pathway

  4.2.1 - The contents
  4.2.2 - Selection of the intern
  4.2.3 - How to evaluate a CV
  4.2.4 - The matching process

4.3 Tutorship in Company

  4.3.1 - The contents
  4.3.2 - Reception of the trainee
  4.3.3 - Planning and monitoring of the work plan
  4.3.4 - From tutoring to mentoring and coaching

4.4 WBL with people with disabilities or different needs

  4.4.1 - Introduction and contents
  4.4.2 - A resource to be discovered
  4.4.3 - Operating guidelines

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The SWOT - Skills for Work Opportunities in Eno-gastronomy and Tourism project © 2018